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How Perspective Can Change your Life

How Perspective Can Change your Life

How Perspective Can Change Your Life What you focus on you attract. Have you ever heard of the law of attraction? Essentially, it is the belief that the universe creates and provides for you that which your thoughts are focused on. We are guilty of looking at the glass half empty sometimes, but if we really think about...
Have You Ever Lost Motivation?

Have You Ever Lost Motivation?

  It’s Monday and you’re not feeling motivated. We’ve all been there, even myself. I know I come across like I am always inspired and motivated AF, but lets be...
Demi Marchese
Founders Podcast: Spirit of 680

Founders Podcast: Spirit of 680

Join me as a discuss with Lorraine Sanders the downfall of having a plan b and how failing fast after college turned into the greatest success of my life.


Every week Monday's seem to suck. Instagram posts read: "I wish it was Sunday" or "Warning. Going to sleep on Sunday will cause Monday."  As the weekend comes to a...
Demi Marchese